
German Autobahn



Show the process of the debate between the architects and the civil engineers about the design of the Reichsautobahn






Strategies and places




Straight vs. Sinuous Strategies and places: building the reichsautobahn
It was in the early ages of the German Reich when this discussion of design of the Reichsautobahn occured. Landscape architects had the desire to produce a typical German design where landscape would be the dominant part of the subject and the autobahn should be subservient. The people of Germany should enjoy their trip on the Autobahn where nature and landscape is on the foreground. The civil engineers couldn't agree with the landscape architects because they believed that this sinuous road would counteract the safety of the drivers. According to them, it was straightaway roads they needed. The roads became to be used quotidian, so recreation was not priority anymore. In an essay I showed the process of this debate between the architect and the civil engineers and how they were forced to give in some parts of their ideology to come to a design proposal.